On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 10:24:18AM +0200, Eckehard Wegner scripsit:
> My worry is I am not sure where Hoya is taking Pentax. I don't mind
> paying more for more but my impression is they are asking more for
> less right now. The combination of low wage country assembly, end user
> quality control,

Anyone on the list got actual stats?

While there have been some issues, the combination of broad innovation
-- something new to the camera industry -- and new assembly staff, who
don't have the depth of experience, will necessarily hammer quality
control.  No evidence that Pentax has been having excessively *bad*
quality control issues under the circumstances, or that the trend isn't
in the right direction.

> outsourced service, R&D and marketing budget cuts,

Are you sure there have been R&D cuts?

> increasing times to market and last minute component changes is making
> me nervous. It all looks to me like footprint reduction for the sake
> of short term profitability to make the unit attractive for potential
> partners. Nonetheless, there is no alternative for me; affordable
> weather sealing is a killer feature in my book.

Or it's "let's not go broke".

Digital means that there will be about as many camera makers left
standing for niche cameras -- which is any camera that isn't in a phone
-- as there were manufacturers of film in the film days.  Which, in
turn, means that Pentax *must* get a partner or partner to continue.
It's not a "we would like to"; it's a "we absolutely must".

-- Graydon

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