On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 03:39:49PM +0200, Eckehard Wegner wrote:
> Absolutely agreed. But they took over three years. Imagine they did
> that all the time. But the WR kit lenses were a stroke of genius in
> terms of lowering the entry hurdle for a weather sealed kit from by
> about a grand. That really gives me hope.
> -Ecke

Yep.  Those, and the K-7, hark back to the best days of Pentax; an
affordable system with features to equal (or exceed) systems costing
a whole lot more, even after the price increases.

The end-user quality control isn't just a Pentax issue - all of the
competing brands (and, in fact, the whole electronics industry) use
that model.  And I'm not necessarily too upset by the outsourcing
of the repair side of the business; I'm not sure Pentax is large
enough to justify the cost of multiple repair centres.

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