Thanks, Boris.

I completely agree with your view that these are all individual traits in the photographer. I just can't help wondering if I'm limiting myself by leaning too much on what I'm inclined to do with the camera, instead of making more of an effort to break away from my habits.

In a way, it's a chicken vs. egg kind of thing: Do I not use a tripod or bracket my shots because that's my style, or is that my style because I'm too lazy to use a tripod and bracket my shots? It's a conundrum.

I will say that I love the mobility that comes from not carrying a tripod and a bunch of gear. It's just that, when I look at Ted's photo of that church in Picher, Oklahoma compared to mine, I can't help feeling like I really half-assed the shot, and that with more deliberation, many of the shots I took could have been better, and I'd have had fewer throw-aways at the end.

In the end, it's all part of a self-education process, I suppose. It's just a matter of learning that, while a lot of the photography I do simply isn't conducive to a more deliberative technique, it doesn't necessarily follow that I don't need to learn to be more deliberative.

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On 11/22/2010 9:41 AM, Boris Liberman wrote:
On 11/22/2010 3:33 AM, Walter Gilbert wrote:
So, I was just curious as to the thoughts of the folks on the list as to
how much my approach would be considered "spray and pray" by more
seasoned photographers, and how much it would benefit if it were less so.

Thanks for any input anyone has to offer.

Stochastics aside, I think it is really more of an individual trait of a photographer, than anything else. The methods or practices are well known (and in advance too):

* Tripod
* Bracketing
* Chimping (well, yes, that's a practice, just like a deliberate choice not to chimp)
* etc

Personally, my approach is different:

* I realize that no matter how hard I try, only few shots come out (*).
* I try to shoot relatively few tries as I first try to think how the final image would look like. But this would be simply the reflection of my character...


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