on 2012-10-03 9:10 Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote

It's not the same as my Mac OS X workflow, of course, but I don't
require that my iOS workflow be the same in all respects.

i am on the fence about this; as someone who is at heart a tinker, and who is professionally a workflow developer, iOS, like the narrowing of the OS X environment, is in some ways a pretty big roadblock; it is my biggest frustration with Apple

(that said, Android seems like swampland in comparison, and Linux is like a post-apocalyptic landscape of mostly once-great machines and rats with bionic eyes, but i digress)

by that argument, i shouldn't consider moving from Aperture to Lightroom,

Perhaps you shouldn't if you like these features in Aperture so much.

clearly i have to weigh the trade-offs … but actually i was disagreeing with you that "You pick ONE methodology and stick with it" — i think there are good reasons to bring together photos from multiple sources

Why are you considering moving to Lightroom?

primarily the impression that it has better "exposure"-related controls, and a decision to give Lightroom a trial before i'm even more deeply committed to Aperture; i'm also very sensitive to UI, speed, and workflow, but only practical experience will answer for me on those; i expect it to be a mix of better and worse than Aperture

LR also seems to have a bigger ecosystem overall; Aperture is a little buggy and i perceive that Apple isn't really trying to keep up with Lightroom, so i have my doubts about its long-term evolution (not that Adobe has a lot of my trust either)

having seen how Apple treated advanced users with Final Cut Pro X has added to my qualms, and i have seen other tools fail to keep up with me in the long term, e.g. iView Media Pro, where i cataloged all my first digital stuff

but both are closed tools, and i don't expect Lightroom to be flawless; Aperture has a pretty-good feature set overall, and is very quick now that i have a better GPU and more RAM; plus it integrates very well with other Apple stuff; i wouldn't be too surprised to see Aperture for iPad

if you are saying Lightroom can automatically update exported folders on
disk as smart set (or LR equivalent term) contents change, then that will

Automatically is a judgement call, as you have to trigger when
Lightroom will publish a set. But, it's as automatic as I need. I'm
not all that sensitive to total automation solutions.

okay, it's clearly a notch below Aperture in terms of getting stuff synced to an iDevice, but it may be workable; the worst part is the either/or choice that Apple forces, because i don't plan to move old stuff to Lightroom

in the part of my workflow from camera to iPad to computer, on the iPad i'll
mainly want to tag, plus a little cropping and checking exposure potential;
i'm not sure yet which apps, if any, can write EXIF or otherwise carry tags
over to the computer (into Lightroom or Aperture); Photosmith and iPhoto
maybe, but do you know of others?

Photosmith works with Lightroom (not iPhoto or Aperture):

yes, i've known that for a while; and will definitely consider it if/when i settle on Lightroom

Pixelsync works with Aperture and iPhoto for sort/grade/tagging operations:

thanks, that's one i didn't know about, and will have to investigate, along with "iPhoto mobile"; ideally i could use one tool to both do a productive first edit while traveling (instead of using a laptop), and to also keep an easily updated, presentation-quality portfolio of selected photos from multiple sources

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