On Wed, Apr 17, 2013, Bill wrote:
> On 17/04/2013 9:36 AM, Bipin Gupta wrote:
>>PS: after the Boston serial bombing, we had a very bad case of
>>terrorist bombing today in Bangalore where I live.

Glad nobody got killed, hope you're doing okay.

> I feel blessed that none of the really bad people really seem to
> care about where I live. I couldn't imagine living someplace where
> you have to worry about being blown up every waking moment.

Two years ago, Norway was not on anyone's list.  Even without terrorist
attacks, you never know when a truck containing highly flammable liquids
will explode (or leak poisons).  Unless you're in a truly rural area,
there's always a chance something will happen (and even then there's
always weather and earthquakes).
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