Saskatchewan has declared a state of emergency, as of yesterday we had 66 confirmed cases in the entire province, none of which can be attributed to community transmission. It's all sick people coming home from their holidays in virus hot spots so far, though it is inevitable it will get out into the population eventually. There are too many self entitled fucktards out there to ensure that will happen.

The home improvement store that I help manage is still open, though a lot of what are considered non essential businesses have been closed by government order.

We are selling record amounts of paint. Apparently that has become an essential product as people who are supposed to be working from home need something to do. Why the idiots don't just stay home and read a book is beyond me. I can understand if a pipe bursts that you need to fix it, but deciding that you want to change the colour of your living room walls doesn't strike me as a pressing need. See the above comment about self entitled fucktards.

I'm still going to work every day, trying to keep the mandated two meters from people. Most people are being good about it, the few that aren't I just walk away from. They are the aforementioned self entitled fucktards that I don't have any use for anyway.

Stay healthy, and stay home if you can.


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