
Just butting in. Quite accidentally happened to open this mail of yours. Quite interesting. The topic I am working on.

Left me wondering how this may be connected with the concept on continuity in CSP's later work. - Pointing out any point in a continuous line, means breaking up the continuity, he writes. It is only allowed temporarily, and then it should be done consciously, with the determination of coming back to continuity.

With species, there is not and cannot be, any point you can point out as the starting point, or the ending point. - It is possible to define "the middle" (whatever it is), but the start as well as the end,can never be pinpointed.

Do you (and the phylogenetists you are refering to) agree with this?


John Collier kirjoitti 27.5.2015 19:04:
Ben, Lists,

I mean a historical individual with an origin and probably an end,
localized in space. A concrete individual. This is the Hull-Ghiselen
view that

Is almost universally accepted by systematists and evolutionary
biologists these days. It follows from the phylogenetic view of
species, developed by Cladists and for which the standard text for a
long time was Phylogenetic Systematics by my friend Ed Wiley.


FROM: Benjamin Udell []
 SENT: May 27, 2015 2:43 PM
 SUBJECT: Re: [PEIRCE-L] RE: [biosemiotics:8690] Re: self-R

John C.,

Just curious, by an __individual species__ do you mean something like
an individual kind or do you mean (and I suspect that you don't) the
species population as a large, somewhat scattered, collective concrete

Best, Ben

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