Cf: Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations • Discussion 13

Re: Category Theory
::: Peiyuan Zhu
::: Henry Story

Zulip Inivitation Link:

Dear Peiyuan, Henry …

Way back during my first foundation + identity crisis I explored every
alternative, deviant, non-standard version of logic and set theory
I could scrape up — I remember saying to one of my professors,
“How come we’re still talking about logical atoms in the quantum era?” —
and he sent me off to read about quantum logics, which had apparently
already fallen out of fashion at the time.  Remarkably enough, I did
find one Peircean scholar who had done a lot of work on them, but
they didn’t seem to be what I needed right then.

My present, still pressing applications require me to start from much more
elementary grounds, stuff I can build up from boolean sources and targets,
universes with coordinate spaces of type (Bⁿ, Bⁿ → B).


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