Cf: Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations • Discussion 10

Re: Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations • Discussion 8

Re: Category Theory
::: Morgan Rogers

<QUOTE MR:> Please clearly state at least one “distinctive quality of sign 
relations”. </QUOTE>

Dear Morgan,

Sign relations are triadic relations.

Can any triadic relation be a sign relation?

I don’t know.  I have pursued the question myself whether any
triadic relation could be used somehow or other in a context
of communication, information, inquiry, learning, reasoning,
and so on where concepts of signs and their meanings are
commonly invoked — there’s the rub — it’s not about what
a relation is “intrinsically” or “ontologically” at all
but a question of “suitability for a particular purpose”
as they say in all the standard disclaimers.

What Peirce has done is to propose a definition intended to capture an
intuitive, pre-theoretical, traditional concept of signs and their uses.
To put it on familiar ground, it’s like Turing’s proposal of his namesake
machine to capture the intuitive concept of computation.  That is not a
matter to be resolved by à priori dictates but by trying out candidate
models in the intended applications.

I gave you what I consider Peirce’s best definition of a “sign”
in relational terms and I pointed out where it needs filling out
to qualify as a proper mathematical definition, most pointedly in
the further definitions of “correspondence” and “determination”.

That is the current state of the inquiry as it stands at this site …


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