Cf: Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations • Discussion 17

Re: Peirce List
::: Robert Marty

Dear Robert,

I've been reviewing the discussions of August on this topic
and I think it might be possible to advance our inquiry and
even establish new levels of competence in our theory of signs
if we examined the main points again and dedicated ourselves to
clearing up the subject's more persistent enigmas.

As I was preparing to recap our earlier discussions, it gradually
dawned on me how one issue more than any other is the source of major
misunderstanding and a whole lot of “people talking past each other”,
as the saying goes.  To put it succinctly if very roughly, it has to do
with the difference between people who have tests and are seeking answers
and people who have answers and are seeking tests.  I say “very roughly”
because it's clear all of us are all of those people *some* of the time.
And yet we do see cognitive bifurcations and cultural divides persisting
over time, to one basin or the other of which people often find themselves
resorting for extended periods if not the duration of a lifetime.

I'll take up a tactic for dealing with this issue next time.


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