* Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-12 12:05]:
> There are *so* many ways to do session handling that lugging
> them all into CGI.pm will just make a mess.

Agreed, but maybe this is a case where it would make sense to do
something like what Perl 6 does for OO vs Perl 5, ie provide one
good default set of options that people can use without thinking
too much about it when they first get started?

F.ex., I could imagine that CGI.pm6 would provide a framework for
plugging in session implementations somehow (insert your wisdom
from the Catalyst design here f.ex.), and then comes with an easy
to set up default session store that would be configured in the
course of Perl 6 installation.

This way, it would work the way PHP works: when the sysadmin
installs it, it is automatically fully set up to provide sessions
somehow, and only the people who really need performance or
special features need to think harder about it. (Which they can,
because the whole thing is still pluggable.)

I think we stand to gain a lot from adopting the PHP/Python
“batteries included” attitude (cf. Elaine’s Law). (I note that
Catalyst is not holding up so well there… although it has made
great strides, in all fairness.)

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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