Fagyal Csongor skribis 2006-09-20 11:28 (+0200):
> You rarely do real HTTP handling when you use CGI.

You may not, but many people do a lot of these things.

And when you don't, the datastructures are currently parsed and filled
anyway, so I don't know why you say it'd be too inefficient.

> A general, simple CGI handling module fits into 200 lines, including 
> POD. Imagine like

That's not "CGI handling", that's form parameter parsing. CGI, and web
programming, is much more than that.

> You don't really need more.

I think you mean: "I don't really need more". Many people do need a
whole lot more, and CGI.pm does do a whole lot more. Just not in a
nicely organized set of classes.

It's unfortunate that it mostly lets the user handle headers that are
communicated through ENV, precisely because that's part of the CGI spec,
and not common to other kinds of web programming, so it's specifically a
job for a module called CGI.pm

> It might give some useful other routines (e.g.  url encoding /
> decoding, various ways to mix GET+POST, set content types more easily,
> etc.), but other than that, it should be very lightweight and easy to
> use.

I agree that things should be lightweight and easy to use. But in Perl
6, that doesn't mean that you should avoid nicely structured OO.
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://juerd.nl/sig>
  convolution:     ict solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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