On Fri, 2004-06-11 at 20:09, Ordak D. Coward wrote:
> I am confused! Why people spell "khaat" with two a's? First I though
> it is a typo, but it seems everybody is writing it like that.

They perhaps wish to write it with two "t"s, but miss and type two "a".s

> In my
> opinion, this by itself makes Kufi a different 'script' than modern
> Arabic.

Then you may also wish to differentiate Gothic from normal Latin. But
sorry, Unicode doesn't differentiate these, nor should good software.
The logic is the same, the semantics are the same, so we can call it the
same "script" (in Unicode terms).

> Now, I guess my original suggestion of "Naskh" is technically correct,
> if the following can add any weight to that choice:
> http://www.ancientscripts.com/arabic.html
> http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=56293

No, Nastalig is OK for Persian, so is Tahriri. We shouldn't require
Naskh, or restrict Persian writing to Naskh.


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