On Thu, 17 May 2007, David Fetter wrote:

Would you be interested in providing this meat?  You're uniquely
qualified because your shins still smart from all the things you
barked them on :)

Unfortunately I'm temporarily on the other side of this problem; all the time I have to spare right now is going to into reviewing other people's patches.

Even more unfortunately, I'm not 100% happy with what I'm doing, and certainly wouldn't want to present the shoddy techniques I'm using as recommended. If anyone else has useful info on this subject (keeping a local repository in sync with HEAD via rsync while working on branches) they'd like to pass along, please drop me a message with whatever level of documentation you might have--even rough notes would be a help. Once I'm finished with the reviews I'm trying to contribute, I will sort through any suggestions I get and turn that into formal documentation. This has left enough shin damage that I'd enjoy completely slaying the cause.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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