On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 10:59:23 -0600 (MDT), "scott.marlowe" wrote:
> I'm looking at doing the example postgresql.conf files for the 7.4 
> release. So far, the catagories we have would be a matrix of:
> -------------- Large Machine -- Small Machine
> Webserver
> Workstation
> But likely only one entry for workstation.
> anyone have any advice on what they use in which situations and what we 
> should include in the examples?  
> I'm guessing OLTP needs things like FSM cranked up, 
> OLAP (a for analytical) needs more shared buffers and sort memory
> Webserver might be better served just slightly higher values than default 
> but well under those of either OLTP or OLAP...

Are you planning on differentiating between dedicated machines and multi-server
machines? For example, a dedicated database for a webserver would be tuned
differently from a server that was running both the webserver and the database on
the same machine. 

Robert Treat

Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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