Hi guys,

This basically continues the other thread about the PERC4 RAID controller,
but since it is a bit off-topic I thought to start another thread. Thanks
for all your help so far   :)

Earlier today I read about the newly released RedHat Enterprise Linux ES
version 3. This version should include out-of-the-box megaraid_2 drivers, so
it would support the Dell PERC4/Di RAID controller.

However, it is very much more expensive than RedHat Linux 9. RH Linux 9 is
free and the Enterpise ES edition will cost between 400 and several 1.000's
of dollars, depending on the support you want to go with it.

Do any of you guys have experience with the previous version of Enterprise
Linux (that would be version 2.1) or even better, are any of you already
using version 3?

Would you recommend this over RedHat Linux 9? I think that with RH Linux 9
it would be easier to get all the latest versions of components I need (RPMs
for PostgreSQL, Apache, Samba etc.), while my guess would be that Enterprise
Linux would be more difficult to upgrade...

Also, I cannot find any list of packages included in Enterprise Linux 2.1 /
3. Does anyone know if PostgreSQL is included and if so, what version?

Kind regards,
Alexander Priem.

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