Blender indeed has its own GUI called "Ghost API" which is OpenGL 1 based
in order to work even with very old GPUs.

Yeap I agree with your post 100% this is why I said I love Pharo and I
prefer it over any other language I have coded in. I can certainly
understand your frustration with Java . I also envy you that you can use
Pharo to make a living maybe I can do that one day too :)

I also agree there is no such thing as silver bullet. It also depends on
what you want. For example I could port Blender source base as a library to
pharo with NB bindings but that would be a massive amount of work and not
the same as just making small contributions to Blender. I think in the end,
whether you like a programming language or not you have to be realistic
about your goals and what you ask from the language. I tried to fit Pharo
into my workflow but just it does not fit.

The good news is that at least I will be avoiding C++ for now as the part I
am most interested in Blender, sculpting is coded in C.

But I dont give up on pharo just yet completely, I just said it wont be
anymore my main platform. I see no reason why I should not contribute a few
bug fixes or enhancements to pharo per year. I would also like to finish
porting the 5th chapter of PBE to Pharo 3 at some point. So no worries I
will be around, just much less active :)

And will definetly follow the mailing list with great interest :)

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 2:24 AM, <>

> FWIW, Blender has its own UI toolkit. So, they designed their own thing.
> 's Terf runs on Cog + internal additions. I guess it
> shows that things can be done nicely when it comes to UIs.
> As for Java and UI toolkits, I've been programming in Swing very
> extensively at one point. Well, as always, when you get into something very
> specific, you dig into the code and see that the designers of Swing also
> ran into issues and under the cover, things aren't so neat and debugging
> event bubbling in these things (where then, there is suddenly *zero* doc)
> is much harder with Java than with Pharo. UI is always a can of worms. Look
> at all the moves from Microsoft with WinForms, Silverlight, WPF, ModernUI,
> and what else...
> I've done tons of Java and Java EE. Heck, I paid my bills for years doing
> that, including teaching other people on how to use it properly. Know what?
> I am now sick of Java. When can we focus on the real problem and not all of
> the scaffholding? Java is okay, Java has lots of APIs, Java covers a lot of
> ground. But I just can't stand its ways of writing 20x more code than
> needed.
> Pharo is fresh air. One can actually understand what's going on and not
> merely call APIs around without understanding what's going on inside. Is it
> frustrating at time, hell yes. But do I end up with better skill after
> that? You bet!
> And as for C and C++ for 3D graphics, coders do use premade engines these
> days, like Unreal, OGRE, or, Urho3D
> That last one you can script (
> Whatever the choice or the path, it seems that massive work is needed to
> get something that works semi-decently out of the door. There is no silver
> bullet...
> I wish you find what you are looking for.
> All the best,
> Phil
> On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 11:29 PM, kilon alios <>
> wrote:
>> I don't plan to do anything complicated with C++ just contribute bug
>> fixes to blender and maybe add a few features here and there. Definetly not
>> implementing a Smalltalk into it :D I am also interesting in improving my
>> mathematical knowledge about 3d graphics. I am foremost a 3d artist, but I
>> like the idea of customising my own tools. I would not design anything from
>> scratch since there are already tons of open source projects. Designing my
>> own Smalltalk is out of the question, I prefer small projects easy to do
>> and realistic / practical.
>> Yeap I am aware of FP and Lazarus ,  I may play around them too but I
>> will be facing the same problem I face with Pharo since they are not much
>> popular either and has nothing that can compete with Blender for 3d
>> graphics. I am not interested in commrecial Smalltalks from what I have
>> seen Pharo looks better, maybe they have bigger libraries a bit more docs,
>> but I dont think it would make much of a difference.
>> If you are serious about coding 3d and 2d graphics , in the end knowning
>> C/C++ is a big plus since most of development happens in those languages.
>> I never said Smalltalk or Pharo is the wrong language for what I want to
>> do , it was always a matter of tools and libraries.
>> I may do something crazy like create a parser from Pharo to C++ , I think
>> that would be interesting and would allow me to use Pharo for coding
>> Blender source. Not a complete parser just something simple that can turn
>> basic pharo syntax to C++ syntax. I would definitely being interested in
>> something like this. I think Slang already does that so I may look at it
>> and do maybe a few modifications here and there .
>> I wonder if there are other parsers for Pharo to C++ , maybe a
>> pettitparser template ?
>> I would love to keep using Pharo syntax and the IDE and even keep
>> contributing to it if it could generate C++ code. Actually thank you for
>> reminding me about Slang :)
>> On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 12:11 AM, vfclists . <> wrote:
>>> On 14 September 2014 18:54, kilon alios <> wrote:
>>>> yes JAVA Swing comes with animation abilities , maybe you mean
>>>> something more than that
>>>> before JAVA FX , Java had and still has Java2D.
>>>> but I am no big fan of Java anyway.
>>>> Dont know what it means by "ahead of its time" but back in 1998 I was
>>>> coding in Delphi 1996 with a rock solid and very powerful GUI API. Delphi
>>>> was an extremely powerful IDE , even more powerful than Pharo and stil is,
>>>> with very mature and well documented libraries.
>>>> Also if we talk about transparency animation this dates back to my days
>>>> coding in DOS and C++.
>>>> QT is awesome from what I see and people I ask generally have a very
>>>> positive opinion about it, certainly something I may learn but my decision
>>>> to swift focus from Pharo to C/C++ is not just because I having hard time
>>>> coding the things I want in Pharo, its also because it makes more sense for
>>>> me to contribute to Blender since my biggest interest is 3d art and blender
>>>> is what I use. So re-learning C/C++ will give me full access to Blender
>>>> internals which has a lot more potential for me. But yeah most likely I
>>>> will learn QT and OpenGL. Its also cool that QT also supports mobile
>>>> devices and even web apps. Also QML allows for live coding.
>>>> I assume by 2-4 you mean full time developers. I don't know ,
>>>> personally I think you need more people because GUI APIs are a pain to
>>>> maintain across platforms since OS define their own libraries and support.
>>>> Yeap I definitely agree that Pharo needs more people using it, the
>>>> problem however is that unpopularity is a vicious circle. You don't have
>>>> much documentation and mature libraries because of small community and not
>>>> much more new people come because you don't have much documentation and
>>>> mature libraries. The problem also is fragmentation each one wants to try
>>>> his own ideas and rightly so they may not be interesting in contributing to
>>>> existing libraries, etc etc. These problems are common for languages. But
>>>> Pharo can only get better since its in capable hands and passionate people.
>>>>  I have saw Pharo only improve the past year I have been using it regularly
>>>> (in my free time , part time) and the community is helpful and kind if you
>>>> exclude a couple of incidents here and there .
>>>> About the web technology, personally I find he web is a big can of
>>>> worms but a necessary evil, I always said that building pharo on top of
>>>> amber would make more sense and would lift a great burden from the
>>>> development of pharo. Sure pharo would inherit the problems of the web
>>>> technologies and limitations but also its strengths and power and
>>>> flexibility and pharo would not need to play this game of cat and mouse
>>>> with other programming languages. It would at least solve the GUI API
>>>> problem for Pharo and it would be a matter of mapping Spec on top of
>>>> existing well documented and well tested and very powerful / flexible web
>>>> technologies.
>>>> But thats up to the Pharo community , my opinion is not fact and my
>>>> personal choice is not the choice of other people.
>>> There is a saying that if you want something done, right you've got to
>>> do it yourself, and this means working harder at it. Stuff like that get's
>>> easier with the passage of time, but time is what you don't seem to have
>>> and you may not have enough collaborators in your project.
>>> Seeing as you mentioned Delphi, you might consider the
>>> FreePascal/Lazarus combination and consider building a Smalltalk on top if
>>> it as you need a combination which gives the ease of an interpreter and
>>> live coding, together with the facility to get down to the metal when you
>>> need it. It also has the benefit of being crossplatform.  C++ is really an
>>> insane language to attempt to do something like that in. The newer
>>> languages like Nimrod and Julia may be better, but they don't have the rich
>>> library set you need.
>>> I've always felt that the design of Smalltalk/X offers a better
>>> foundation for the type of stuff you want to accomplish so long as you are
>>> willing to meet the conditions for using it for defense related and biotech
>>> purposes. You will find the going tough as even Jan Vrany is not working on
>>> it much.
>>> All in all I would say Smalltalk is the right language for what you want
>>> to do, it is just that the free versions available don't match your exact
>>> needs, both in terms of libraries and level of mass adoption.
>>> --
>>> Frank Church
>>> =======================

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