Now, this is something cool, I think. Let’s investigate this further. One issue 
is whether the Pragma class should be modified to take into account the new 


> On Sep 20, 2016, at 10:41 PM, Nicolai Hess <> wrote:
> 2016-09-19 16:24 GMT+02:00 Henrik Johansen <>:
>> On 19 Sep 2016, at 4:03 , Henrik Johansen <> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 17 Sep 2016, at 4:17 , Ben Coman <> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 3:45 AM, Nicolai Hess <> wrote:
>>>> 2016-09-16 18:42 GMT+02:00 Eliot Miranda <>:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> _,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)
>>>>>> On Sep 14, 2016, at 10:50 PM, Marcus Denker <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> We can change it back and maybe add support for the reformatter to not
>>>>>>>> convert it to the literal array #(3 #+ 4) .
>>>>>>> I do not know in fact this is why I asked :)
>>>>>>> Now may be my idea to use pragma to get something like pythondoctest is
>>>>>>> a bad idea
>>>>>>> but I really want to have literal programming.
>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>> I like the idea to show examples/tests close to code, but pragmas are
>>>>>> not really good...
>>>>>>> If we have ' ' then it would be good that the syntax higlighter works
>>>>>>> with a special mode inside the ' '
>>>>>> it is just a string. How do you know that it contains code?
>>>>>> Would you highlight all string in all code as if it contained code? Or
>>>>>> would you add this just for
>>>>>> Pragmas? But even there, strings are string, not code.
>>>>>> I think we can conclude that pragmas are not a good solution to the
>>>>>> problem, as they are far
>>>>>> too limited to express code.
>>>>> I think that's not a safe conclusion.  We know from Igor's use of Kieran
>>>>> arrays for C signatures in the UFFI, and can easily extrapolate here, that
>>>>> arbitrary Smalltalk expressions /can/ be expressed in literal arrays.  S
>>>>> expressions work for lisp.
>>>>> In this particular case special casing pretty printing of literal arrays
>>>>> in pragmas would be all that's needed to make the code look beautiful.  
>>>>> Why
>>>>> throw the baby out with the bath water?  It would be so easy to make this
>>>>> work well.
>>>> We can try this as well. And it is far more easier to work with this
>>>> expressions if they are pragma arguments, than to parse the comment to find
>>>> some code within.
>>>> On the other hand, it looks much nicer if we have the examples right in the
>>>> method doc. you have some text describing the method, some code, some more
>>>> text about the reslt.
>>>>> The only thing I'd do would be to print like this to make it clear that
>>>>> the argument t is a literal Array and not some magic form of code:
>>>>>     <expr: #(3 + 4) result: 7>
>>>> Yes, I would like to change this anyway, even for literal arrays for ffi,
>>>> calls like
>>>> mouseStateX: x y: y
>>>>    <primitive: #primitiveNativeCall module: #NativeBoostPlugin error:
>>>> errorCode>
>>>>    ^ self nbCall: #( Uint32 SDL_GetMouseState ( int* x , int* y ) )
>>>> this will be reformatted to
>>>> mouseStateX: x y: y
>>>>    <primitive: #primitiveNativeCall module: #NativeBoostPlugin error:
>>>> 'errorCode'>
>>>>    ^ self nbCall: #(#Uint32 #SDL_GetMouseState #(#int #* #x #, #int #* #y))
>>> errr, yuck!  Thats not pretty at all.  Is there some way to avoid
>>> that?  As I've been getting started with FFI its been really nice
>>> visually to see a *direct* correspondence between the C header file
>>> declaration and the in-Image method.  
>> +1, that's about the main thought behind it...
>> As long as the only required use of a # inside of literal arrays is 
>> differentiating whether something is a literal string or symbol, changing to 
>> format *all* symbols using it seems somewhat overzealous.
>> Personally, if a solution using method properties/+ browser improvements to 
>> show/create them in a good way is out of the question,
>> I have a weakness for using empty blocks as method-local, syntax-highlighted 
>> code comments (at least compared to special comment syntax, or pragmas 
>> backed by a whole literal -> ST parser).
>> Though lately, the code critic (rightly, and very usefully, in the cases 
>> where it's a user error) points out they are dead code, and the IR optimizes 
>> them out entirely, meaning they miss out on 
>> senders/implementors/refactorings functionality. (Full blocks would 
>> potentially let us change the IR to leave them alone, put them in the 
>> literal slot and be searchable, at no additional runtime-cost/use in 
>> bytecodes)
>> Cheers,
>> Henry
> Now imagine if tags were scoped, and you could do
> Number >>  #+ aNumber
> <prim ....>
> [ <insertInlineExampleTagNameHere> 3 + 4 == 7 ].
> ^self fallbackAdd: aNumber
> And have the browser pick it up, and either 
> - collapse it
> - display text with alpha < 1
> Make the code critic aware as well, and no more warnings of unused blocks 
> when used for examples!
> Cheers,
> Henry
> Hm, dead blocks, nice idea.
> see attached cs, you can file it in and have to uncomment one line in 
> RBParser>>#parseBlock (the parsePragmasInto: aNode  line) 
> to activate pragmas in blocks, now you can add a "dead block" like
> [<example> 3+4]
> and the icon styler lets you execute (inspect) the code.
> (Just a quick and dirty implementation)
> <exampmle_blocks.cs><example_blocks.png>


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