I'm running a local web server for development on my Win ME machine
using apache, mysql 3.23.38, and php4. I've been copying my mysql
database that is online to my local one every once in a while. When the
database starting getting greater than 1mb I remember the mysql >
filename.sql wouldn't work anymore and I had to use mysqldump >
filename.sql to dump the db to a file. I always used phpMyAdmin to run
the sql file and import everything to my local db. My problem is that
now my database is greater than 2mb and phpMyAdmin no longer wants to
run my .sql file. It just skips straight to "SQL command executed
successfully" but says "No Tables", so obviously it isn't even trying to
run the file. This is almost exactly what was happening on the "dump"
end before I started using mysqldump. 
So, what's the IMPORT equivalent of mysqldump and how do I run it on
- Doug Schasteen

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