Andi Gutmans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> features (also because it has enough additional features already which are 
> enough for another minor version), but the developers need to actually go 
> through the bugs database and work on those crash bugs. It's not that easy 
> to get everyone to work on them.

The Debian project uses a practice which may be useful.

Bugs are identified by project leaders as release-critical. 
Release-critical is a bug severity level which bugs (crashers,
cosmetic, whatever) can get promoted to.

There's a page giving stats on RC bugs:

And approximately monthly bug squashing parties held on IRC:

My suggestion, having watched a few open-source projects structured
similarly to PHP, is to declare a particular date as a freeze date,
with pressure NOT to commit major overhauls increasing as the freeze
approached.  At the freeze, a CVS branch is created and the bug
squashing party begins - release critical bugs only!

Once RC bugs get cleared, the branch changes get merged back into the
mainline and development resumes until it's time to release again.

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