(And other ".NET is the death knell for Open Source" articles...)

I guess I am just missing something, but how can ANYTHING kill Open
Source in general, or PHP in specific?

There is no way that .NET is going to be a "silver bullet" solution that
solves every possible problem in the most efficent, intelligent,
reusable, <buzzword buzzword buzzword>.

Even if it were, SO WHAT?

Linux more or less popularized the Open Source movement, but the
movement itself is OLD. It's an idea, not a list of products or
companies. If RedHat, Zend, VA, Andover, and all the others were to
disappear tomorrow, who here would toss their hands up in the air, and
roll over whimpering? Not I. And I doubt any of you would,
either. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here to begin with...you'd be off
writing VB Applications, selling your soul to corporate America.

Open Source isn't going anywhere. I don't care if it ever takes over the
world, becuase I know that, in the WORST CASE, I will be the LAST Open
Source developer in the face of the whole earth. In such a case, I
*STILL* have the source code to ALL of my tools (via Debian Source
CD's, etc.) All of you could disappear forever tomorrow, and it might
slow things down quite a bit, but it's NOT GOING TO DIE.

The cat is already out of the bag. People already see that in some
cases, opening the code *IS* the right thing to do. Personally, I would
argue that it is the right thing in *ALL* cases, but that's an issue for
another time...like the Founding Fathers of the United States, I don't
agree with the concept of "Intellectual Property", and that's all I will
say on it for now. :)

Am I missing something? Why should we care what .NET can do, other than
to use it the way ALL other languages should be used: learn from their
mistakes, steal all their really useful ideas, and always always always
try to do it better than the other guy?

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