On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 03:16:10PM -0700, Daevid Vincent wrote:

> This is tripping me out! i feel so duped! :)
> http://webbytedd.com/b1/photo-retouch/
> this didn't work, maybe due to some JS errors. tried in FF3 and IE6.
> http://webbytedd.com/b/watermark/
> I like your arrow captch idea:
> http://webbytedd.com/aa/assorted-captcha/
> also the date and clock are nice:
> http://webbytedd.com/b/kewl-date/
> http://webbytedd.com/b/binary-clock/
> the transparent bg is green in FF3/XP and IE6/XP
> http://webbytedd.com/ccc/dragdrop/
> http://webbytedd.com/b/color-rows/
> you know you can do this too:
> <tr class="<?= (($r = !$r) ? 'row0' : 'row1' ) ?>">
> How come you don't have a way to see/download the source code for all these
> examples?

I noticed that, too. But I have to say, this is one of the coolest sites
I've ever seen. If you wanted to convince someone (a prospect) you could
do something, this site would do it. Next time I talk to a prospect, I'm
gonna call myself Tedd and refer them to this site. ;-}


Paul M. Foster

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