On 2010-12-29, at 5:32 PM, "Daniel P. Brown" <daniel.br...@parasane.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 15:16, Omega -1911 <1911...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sound silly? Why Daniel? It's all documented and public knowledge. What I
>> thought was silly was a entire thread about which ASCII combination was
>> best.. convert to a higher range above the 255 character range...
>> There is NOTHING I have mentioned that you or anyone can call a lie. Google
>> or eccouncil.org are great resources. You forte is php... what security
>> certs doyou hold that contradict my previous email?
>    Aside from involvement with the now-defunct Federal agency, the
> National Infrastructure Protection Center, training by the FBI's
> Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories, accreditation as the first
> private-sector mobile computer forensic investigation laboratory in
> the tri-state area, multiple computer security certifications, and
> about fourteen years of professional network and computer security
> service to multiple public and private sector entities, I suppose not
> much.
>    I was pleased earlier, however, to learn about your interest in
> helping others by creating a venue for them to sell their own homemade
> pornographic DVDs at such a low price, but then disappointed to learn
> that your grasp of Perl and site management wasn't yet up to par.
> "Hacking" didn't work out all that well over the last couple of years
> either, but you could probably go, what, just a thousand feet or so to
> hire one of the kids from Ben Davis high school to help out.  Pay them
> a fair wage, though.... I mean, with your home last appraised at
> $122,100 (on the 27th of July, 2007, so you might want to see if it's
> appreciated more in value by now), we know you can afford to pay
> better than minimum.  Heck, if they'd pave your street as well as your
> driveway is sealed, that alone might help improve the value, at least
> a little bit.  Which would be fine --- I mean, you already get the
> benefits of better insurance, consider how close you are to that fire
> hydrant.  (You know the one I mean, that little bluish-green one when
> you turn right out of your driveway and cross the street.)
>    Speaking of blue-green, I love that picture of Javen.  Was that
> done right on his iPhone, or did he do it on the computer before
> uploading it?  Pretty cool either way, just like his name.  I'm just
> not sure if it's pronounced with a "J" or an "H" sound.  I mean,
> Arthur's name is easy enough, but I honestly am confused by Javen's
> (except when he spells it out like James Vencent).  It's no surprise
> that he's an intelligent kid, though, being born at the autumnal
> equinox and all (and even before sunrise that morning).
>    That aside, you might be right.  Perhaps my qualifications don't
> quite justify my opinion in contradicting anything you have to say.  I
> mean, being contracted to trace people all over the world can
> sometimes be almost as fun as knowing what tools to use to find out
> who they are in the first place.  Still, one shouldn't spend so much
> time doing just one thing, which is why we both enjoy programming.
>    Regardless, it doesn't matter, and I see no reason to get into any
> kind of flame war --- especially with one of the famous Six Hounds
> from the Darkside of Hell.  Anyway, sorry for being ten days late, but
> happy birthday, Chap.  It was good getting to know you.  And, as the
> Ques know, "friendship is essential to the soul."
> -- 
> </Daniel P. Brown>
> Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
> (866-) 725-4321
> http://www.parasane.net/
> -- 
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Wow, dan! That was awesomely funny! And it's not even Friday yet!

Bastien Koert
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