On Tuesday 30 October 2001 10:13 am, turtle wrote:

> <?
> $link = mysql_connect('localhost')or die ("Could not connect");
> mysql_select_db('img760')or die ("Could not select database");
> $query = "select ('imglocation','height','width') from img where
> imgname=$getimg";
> $imglocation = 'imglocation';
> $height = 'height';
> $width = 'width';
> ?>

You need to read the manual on the mysql functions.

Specifically, functions like mysql_fetch_array, mysql_fetch_row, 
mysql_result.  You're setting $imglocation to a string, not a returned result 
from mysql.  You need to use one of the three functions I mentioned to retun 
an actual mysql result.


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