
On 08/13/2002 08:22 PM, Justin French wrote:
>>>Just a quick note to see if anyone has any experience with mailing list
>>>I've currently got a DB of subscribers, and basic PHP scripts are not going
>>>to be a good long-term solution.
>>>I was hoping that maybe there's an opensource or commercial product out
>>>there that I can install in my doc root (ie, PHP + MySQL support) which will
>>>handle this in a more effective manner (ie, space the mailout across an hour
>>>or so, etc etc).
>>You can do all in PHP if you do things more efficiently. One thing that
>>you should avoid at all costs is personalization. Once you do that, you
>>can just queue a single message to all subscribers, instead one per
> Doesn't pose issues with some spam filters looking for obvious stuff like
> 2000 names in the Bcc header?

Of course not. Bcc headers are virtual. They do not get sent with 
messages that are delivered to any of the recipients. Do you seen any 
Bcc headers in this message that you got from this mailing list?

>>Another point is to have a DBM like database just to cache the
>>subscribers addresses. Such databases are much faster to query than MySQL.
> By the same token, is a CSV file faster?

It depends on what you do with it, but in general yes as long as your 
new message rate is faster than the subscriber list change rate.


Manuel Lemos

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