Ah correction, the menu will probably not work for me, I forgot I played
around with the definition so strike that one out.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Henrik Sarvell <hsarv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This will not work, as '<menu>' expects a list structure as argument. So
>> the global '*ClassTreeMenu' will not be evaluated.
> Well it does work for me. The menu appears and all just like I want it.
> As 'crud' is a function, it is easier if you pass the class simply as a
>> direct argument
> I'll try it out, maybe it will enable me to get the class in crud too? If
> not I'll just make a new file with this stuff just like in the demo app.
> So you see, I'm generelly not a friend of any automatically generated
>> code. It requires a different (static) way of thinking, and lets you
>> lose the advantages of picoLisp, which strives for succinct and flexible
>> dynamic code (as opposed to static definitions).
> This is just meant to be a tool in very much the same way as PhpMyAdmin is
> a tool for me when using the LAMP stack. I would never simply create the
> database schema, install PhpMyAdmin and present it to the customer and say
> "Her you are, your finished application" (although it would be fun to see
> the expression).
> That does not stop PhpMyAdmin from being perhaps the most important tool
> during development, in the same way PicoAdmin will be when I'm done with it.
> Sure, when developing "traditional" applications that will use the
> traditional GUI framework PicoAdmin will not be much of a use as it would be
> tangental to the finished application.
> However when creating applications that will use a completely different
> approach this tool could be very handy for inspecting the database.
> An alternative that might suit all kinds of application developers could
> perhaps be a scaffolding script that generates the equivalent of choCuSu and
> saves it. This basic stupid thing could then be edited by hand if the goal
> is a traditional GUI or simply used as is if it is not.
> In fact the more I think about it the more I like the idea of a scaffolding
> script, I think I'll go that way instead.
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Alexander Burger 
> <a...@software-lab.de>wrote:
>> Hi Henrik,
>> >
>> > (de menu (Ttl)
>> >    (action
>> >       (html 0 Ttl *Css NIL
>> >          (<div> '(id . menu)
>> >             (<menu> *ClassTreeMenu))
>> This will not work, as '<menu>' expects a list structure as argument. So
>> the global '*ClassTreeMenu' will not be evaluated.
>> > (setq *ClassTreeMenu
>> >    (make
>> >       (for Cls *ClassTree
>> >          (link (list (sym (car Cls)) (pack "@crud?class=" (car
>> Cls)))))))
>> > ...
>> > pressed I want that class name (+Feed for instance) to be available in
>> the
>> > crud function. This is not succeeding with (get Key 'http) anyway. And
>> the
>> As 'crud' is a function, it is easier if you pass the class simply as a
>> direct argument:
>>   (pack "@crud?" (car Cls))
>>   ...
>>   (de crud (Cls)
>>      ...
>> > demo app isn't helping because individual files are used whereas here
>> the
>> > goal is to generate the GUI in a generic fashion which makes separate
>> files
>> > seem a bit overkill or?
>> Not sure, but you will probably need at least a set of methods per
>> class, which return or generate some necessary parameters. You could use
>> these values to build a 'menu' function dynamically, which internally
>> calls '<menu>'.
>> > Another thing that surprised me is the use of lower case in +relation
>> which
>> > was surprising, is there some special reason or a typo?
>> Yes. Per convention, abstract classes are written with a lower case
>> character following the '+'. Other examples are '+index', or '+gui',
>> '+field', '+numField' or '+obj'.
>> > Later on when retrieving the +Entity whose relations I want to use
>> works, I
>> > want to be able to have a generic search form where all the entries are
>> > simply compared, the functionality I'm after is a (db) that will return
>> a
>> > list of results, not just one item if there are more matches. I suppose
>> a
>> > comparable pilog query would be if "same" is used to compare all the
>> fields,
>> > however generating a working pilog query seems overkill.
>> >
>> > I hope I'm not too confusing here, the main goal is to create a basic
>> > interface in line with choCuSu in app but all the information to build
>> it
>> > will have to come from introspection of the +Entities and their
>> relations,
>> > that plus conventions on what to do in certain cases. The reason for
>> doing
>> > this is that it could be dropped into any project and instantly provide
>> a
>> > working (but stupid) CRUD interface.
>> This idea sounds good, but in my experience the variability of search
>> options - depending on the purpose of the application - is rather large
>> and does not only depend on static information, but also on other
>> requirements of that application. In a certain way, the E/R model and
>> the corresponding searches are the core of an application. I believe you
>> would use a lot of flexibility with a static approach. Instead, the
>> intention was to enable the programmer to formulate solutions for such
>> requirements in a concise form, instead of generating them
>> automatically.
>> 'choCuSu' is just one search, used in the GUI. In a larger app, there
>> are more similar searches, for different aspects. For the 'C' in CRUD
>> (create), there is usually a 'T' method which does the most basic
>> initialization, and the rest is handled by arguments to 'new' which also
>> vary a lot, depending on the situation. Reading (R) is transparent
>> anyway and doesn't need any special handling, while updates are similar
>> to "new". Deletion (D) is also mostly automatic, and can be fine-tuned
>> with local 'lose>' methods in entities and/or relations.
>> So you see, I'm generelly not a friend of any automatically generated
>> code. It requires a different (static) way of thinking, and lets you
>> lose the advantages of picoLisp, which strives for succinct and flexible
>> dynamic code (as opposed to static definitions).
>> Cheers,
>> - Alex
>> --
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