Just one final question, here is a gui example from the demo app:

(gui 'query '(+QueryChart) (cho)
               @Nr (and *ItemNr (cons @ T))
               @Nm *ItemNm
               @Pr (and *ItemPr (cons @ T))
               @Sup *ItemSup
               (select (@@)
                  ((nr +Item @Nr) (nm +Item @Nm) (pr +Item @Pr) (nm
+CuSu @Sup (sup +Item)))
                  (range @Nr @@ nr)
                  (part @Nm @@ nm)
                  (range @Pr @@ pr)
                  (tolr @Sup @@ sup nm) ) ) )
         '((This) (list This (: nr) This (: sup) (: sup ort) (: pr))) )

That last line seems to control what is shown in the columns of the
search result list, that seems to imply some kind of convention at
work since (if that is the case) a call to This will display the 'nm
value, same goes for a plain (: sup) which will get the suppliers'
name. Correct or not?

Btw I couldn't find the definition of (gui) despite doing a search in
the whole library, where is it?


On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:49:43PM +0100, Henrik Sarvell wrote:
>> (panel T (pack ,"Customer/Supplier" " @1") '(may Delete) '(choCuSu) 'nr
>> '+CuSu)
>> The 'nr '+CuSu part, is it necessary, what is it used for in the panel, what
>> happens if there is an +Entity without an increasing +Key +Number?
> It generates the "<<<" and ">>>" links on the top right, which allow to
> step to next and previous objects of the same type.
> The attribute (here 'nr') and class (here '+CuSu') may specify _some_
> index tree to locate these objects. This doesn't have to be a '+Key'
> index, but can be any index that covers all desired objects.
> Alternatively, this attribute/class combination might also specify a
> '+Joint' relation that resolves to a (+List +Joint) on the other end. In
> that case, the "<<<" and ">>>" links will refer to the next and previous
> objects in that list in the referred object.
>> (<table> 'chart (choTtl ,"Customers/Suppliers" 'nr '+CuSu)
>> Here the number only seems to be used to generate a proper title, however
>> the question is the same as above, could NIL be passed in a worst case
>> scenario?
> Yes, it generates a title like "12345 Customers/Suppliers", where the
> count 12345 is taken from that index tree. So this attribute/class
> combination should specify a '+Key' or '+Ref' index (but not an '+Idx',
> as this holds more than one entry per object, resulting in a wrong
> count).
> If you don't have any appropriate index, you could leave out 'choTtl'
> and just pass the plain title ,"Customers/Suppliers" to '<table>'.
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> --
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