Why not redefine function Afficher?
Have one file in which Afficher has the original functionality, and
another file were it instead produces this bockly XML ?
Then you write your simple program in a third file, and depending on which
of the other two files you (load), it runs or it produces XML.

Would that be an idea?

> On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 9:11 PM, Tomas Hlavaty <t...@logand.com> wrote:
>> I can't make sense of what you are trying to achieve.  Why do you want
>> to use transient symbols?  Why not use normal interned symbols?  How
>> does your use case differ?  Do you have a simple example?
> Suppose you embed a DSL in Picolisp, like this:
> (de Afficher (msg)
>    (println msg))
> Where «Afficher» is the French for «Display».
> Now here is a simple program:
> (Afficher "Hello!")
> When run it with the definition above, the message "Hello!" is displayed.
> Now I want to export the program to XML to build a blocks configuration
> for Blockly. An example built (then tweaked by hand) with:
> https://blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/apps/code/index.html
> <block type="Afficher">
>   <value name="TEXT">
>     <block type="text">
>       <field name="TEXT">Hello!</field>
>     </block>
>   </value>
> </block>
> Consider that Afficher is not the only command of the language.
> There is a kind of «concatenate», a «read»…
> The Lisp syntax is marvellous because the data I need to translate (the
> program) is also source code (well, it was since the beginning!).
> All I need is to reprogram my DSL like this:
> (de Afficher (msg)
>    (pack
>      "<block type=\"Afficher\"><value name=\"TEXT\">"
>      msg
>      "</value></block>"))
> But I need transient symbols to spontaneously have the value:
> <block type="text"><field name="TEXT">*****</field></block>
> Where ***** is the name of the transient symbol.
> I could assign each transient the right value, but a bit of magic
> would save time.
> Is it better?
> chri
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