On 08/05/2017 08:40 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Aug 2017, John Jason Jordan wrote:
>> Even if your Type 1 fonts have no optional glyphs I would still go with
>> OTF. It is the way of the future.
>    Thanks, John. That's good enough for me.
>    Years ago I learned a lot about typography, fonts, and document layouts to
> better understand how to effectively use LaTeX. Once I got oriented I left
> things alone since everything worked. Now that LO no longer recognizes the
> typefaces I prefer to use I'll update things.
>    Just upgraded fontforge here and will convert them all to OTF by working
> my way through fonts installed ~20 years ago and not touched since. I'm no
> longer sure what fonts are in Speedo, PEX, CID, and other formats.
> Rich

OTF is the way to go. Although Microsoft has registered "OpenType", at
least Adbobe and MS were clear-headed enough to release the
specification: ISO Standard ISO/IEC 14496-22 Open Font Format (2007) and
ISO/IEC 14496-22:2009 (2009).

This whole discussion prompted me to take a look what fonts I've been
dragging forward through every upgrade.  Yikes.  I mostly now use just a
few sets that come with Slackware (dejavu, liberation) with added open
source TTF/OTF such as open sans, LinLibertine and Bitstream Vera.  For
website compatibility, I've also added webcore-fonts which are the set
of fonts shipped with Windows OS.

Two good sources of unencumbered fonts:

If you want to test fonts before using a system wide install, put them into


which is a symlink on most distros to


Note that this location is on the chopping block, but handy.  Check
/etc/fonts/fonts.conf for directories fontconfig will scan on boot.

And don't forget, if on Slackware, especially,

how-to for optimizing font rendering on LCDs so they look as good on
screen as printed.  There are 2 patents (MS and Apple) that are included
in freetype but disabled (I think one is now expired).  subpixel
rendering (MS patent) still needs to be added by uncommenting a line and
rebuilding freetype.

I've also fiddled with the old IBM DOS codepage 437 fonts: these were
used for the old IBM PC monochrome video adapters and contained a number
of line drawing characters that were popular with BBS systems.  You can
massage xterm to use CP437 and then telnet into BBS systems and rock
like its the 80's early 90's.  Yes, many BBS systems are still Live!


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