ralphy wrote: 
> Have you enabled the plugin in settings as described in 'this post'
> (https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?113479-Announce-Community-Firmware-for-Squeezebox-Radio-Touch-Controller-and-LMS-8&p=1010022&viewfull=1#post1010022)?

Hi, I am really sorry with these irritating questions but the three
touches work fabulously with your update administered by SD card
although the LSM offers to downgrade them to 7.8 despite being 8.2 LSM
if you go to software update on Touches.  I did tick the box etc... I
did it by downloading the Fab4 update for the SD card and plugging it
directly into the Touches.  Which is the update file for the controller?
I have never tried updating a controller via card before
https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmsclients/files/squeezeos/?  Also is
there a way of me forcing LSM to recognise the update rather than
wanting the touches etc... to go back to the old firmware? 

I am amateur to say the least.

Many thanks,


NigelDavvenport's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=70317
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