davep;238587 Wrote: 
> You absolutely have to start MIP before SC, otherwise it just doesn't
> work.  And the port used by the API has to match that set in the SC
> settings page.  Other than that - and making sure you do a full clear
> and rescan the first time you set this up - there isn't much you can
> really tweak.
> Can you get mixes to work from the SB player? Just push and hold the
> Play button on your selected seed track and you should see a message
> about MIP mixing... and you then get your playlist presented ready to
> play.  Note that it will not start playing automatically but needs a
> further normal press of Play once the list is generated.  
> davep

Hi davep,
When I run MIP headless, SC picks it up and attempts to scan - the
result is "MusicIP Import (0 of 0) Running 00:00:00".
Alternatively, MIP as application the scan completes correctly.

With either config, I start SC manually from the taskbar so as to be
sure MIP handshakes SC on port 10002.



Transporter -> B&K R200.2 -> Vandersteen 3A Signature. (Listening room)
SB3 (RWA analog) -> Rotel RB1070 -> B&W Matrix 805. (Bedroom)
Fridgidare -> Mirror Pond pale ale -> easy chair w/remote -> irritated
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