BPA, for whatever it's worth, I want to thank you for genuinely caring
about softsqueeze.  There are more people than you could ever imagine
that use it... not the way you imagine though.  Many of us use your
softsqueze.jar and use our own GUI frontend.  Softsqueeze.jar doesnt
know the difference.. just depending on it's registry settings.

There is an issue I have spent hours on trying to get to the bottom of
(related to my previous questions).

I ONLY use your latest softsqueeze.jar on multiple clients (some with
the traditional old fashioned interface, some with the very advanced UI
(much nicer than even squeezeplay).  I dont use any other version of the
jar file.

As you know, there are some information that
softsqueeze.jar<---->mysqyeezebox.com do not pass between eachother. 
The most obvious is mysqueezebox.com doesnt display which client is
active; even if music is being proxied from the music service to the
client.  Also, favorites aren not synched.  Interestingly, some things
are updated.

There is this very unusual bug related to the mysqueezebox.com backend
which is driving me nuts; which "maybe" you might know what's going
on... even if its a wild guess with no way to fix it.

Have you see this post on the forum?

It seems that there are people (besides me) who are complaining that
mysqueezebox.com (after Squeezecenter 7.3 was introduced) would
unexpectedly give the errors "You are not authorized" (for Sirius Radio)
and "You are logged in in another location" (for Slacker).  When there
are NOT other players signed on using the same account.  

I am very sure this is caused by mysqueezebox.com no managing it's
players properly.  It leaves "ghost"/stray audio connections lingering
around to the Internet Music Service provider; even though the player
has obviously stopped it's audio connection.  This is just a guess (and
I might be completely wrong), but I think that softsqueze.jar sometime
resets it's audio stream due to some kind of "hickup" which causes
mysqyeezebox.com to think there are now two simultaneous logins; hence,
telling the music provider there are two logins.

If you have a better guess, please let me know.  If you think my guess
could be a valid possibility, what precautions can I take to prevent
these error messages.

Here is a <u><b>BIG HINT</b></u>, this issue seems to only occur during
local playback (softsqueeze.jar) on the same machine as the squeezebox
server.  It doesnt make a difference if I use "proxied" or "direct
connection".   I have increased the network buffer to 5 seconds and
timeout to 10 seconds.  Maybe, I should increase the buffer even more?

If there's a way to add code to softsqueeze.jar to communicate player
status and possibly other items to mysqueeebox server; hence eventually
to mysqueezebox.com, this might increase reliability under certain
circumstances; and, at the same time keep softsqueeze.jar fully
featured.  Communicating status at the very least might help a great

Maybe there are technological limitations that are just not feasible. 
However, I thought I would at least mention this in case some of these
ideas might be possible by someone smart like you.

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