bpa;631078 Wrote: 
> Try playing the same URL on your SBS system.
> What sort of player are you using ?
> If it is a soft player is it on the same PC ?

Playing the same url on SBS showed same 100% cpu usage for mplayer.
Playing the same url on mplayer directly only use 2-4% cpu
Same thing happen when playing .ram stream with "Play Real Audio".
Happened on SBS 7.6.  Tried 7.5.5 nightly and result the same.
Tried uninstall and re-install mplayer with apt-get remove --purge and
is still the same.
Tried install gnome-mplayer and play the same url.  Only 6% cpu.
So far, mplayer only have high cpu usage when called by
squeezeboxserver for transcode.

More info:
Ubuntu 10.10 with all latest update.
Motherboard Intel D945gclf Atom with 1G ram.  Headless with auto login.

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