I asked the PowerMail devs in January 2000 if this Eudora feature might
make its way into Powermail... obviously it didn't.
Since I organize my mails into client or project folders, and thus have
all incoming and outgoing mails relevant  to them in one folder, this
feature would make a big difference to me.
Showing both the "to" and "from" colums is not really an option. In a
folder with, say, 500 received and 500 sent mails, having both columns
visible will mean that I'll see my own name (which by now I know quite
well enough, thank you) not 500 (superflous) times, but 1000.
PowerMail is visually much more cluttered anyway, compared to Apple's
beautiful Mail.app, so I don't need *even more* distraction.
The automatic saving of attachments to files on disk (instead of bloating
the database), and the ability to automatically display html mails as
text, are two nice and very welcome features, though.

phil braun
made on a Mac

On 3 May, 2004, Lane Roathe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

>on Mon, May 3, 2004 "Phil Braun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> may have said:
>>Sorry if this has been asked before:
>>is it somehow possible to have PowerMail display a combined from:/to: 
>>header listing in the mail list view, like in Eudora, where the "to:" 
>>name is written in italics? I find this one of the most useful features 
>>in an E-Mail program... am I really the only one?
>1. PowerMail has the wonderful ability to file outgoing messages, but the
>REALLY annoying problem of having to have both from/to columns if you
>want to know the correct information. See Claris eMailer or v1.5.1 of
>MailSmith for correct implementation (which is a "smart" from column,
>which shows "to" instead of "from" if mail is from myself. That you sent
>the email is shown in the status column (with a reply arrow or stamp
>icon), so it makes much more sense to show who you sent the email to.

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