on Mon, May 3, 2004 "Phil Braun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> may have said:

>Sorry if this has been asked before:
>is it somehow possible to have PowerMail display a combined from:/to: 
>header listing in the mail list view, like in Eudora, where the "to:" 
>name is written in italics? I find this one of the most useful features 
>in an E-Mail program... am I really the only one?

I have been requesting this feature for a long time now (item #1 below),
although your added idea of italics on To: listings is a good one :)

There is no need to tell me that I sent an email, I already know I sent
it! What I really need to know is _WHO_ I sent it to.

Anyway, here is my Wish List ... no idea on the 5.0 beta, email has
become too important to my business to rely on beta software just yet
(although I think I may need to try the next beta to be sure it handles
large DB's (over 1Gig). Heh, I remember complaining when Claris Emailer
started chugging after my DB got over 25MB ;)


0. Double-Click is supposed to select words, and does...unless PM think's
it is a URL when it changes behavior and launches the URL. Now, I realize
that this is a good feature to some people, and that's great. Still, for
those of us that do lots of copying this is quite annoying and a real
time waster...so, please add an option in the preferences to turn this
off. (When off, the standard Cmd-Click should still work!)

I have to select email addresses and other parts of URL's from emails
dozens of times per day, and this is the #1 time waster for me; both in
terms of having to very carefully select text and in accidently causing a
double-click and having to deal with a new message or web browser or ftp
app launch or what-not.

1. PowerMail has the wonderful ability to file outgoing messages, but the
REALLY annoying problem of having to have both from/to columns if you
want to know the correct information. See Claris eMailer or v1.5.1 of
MailSmith for correct implementation (which is a "smart" from column,
which shows "to" instead of "from" if mail is from myself. That you sent
the email is shown in the status column (with a reply arrow or stamp
icon), so it makes much more sense to show who you sent the email to.

2. Why can I change the account used to send an already sent email, but I
can't file it to a different folder? This makes no sense; you shouldn't
be able to change which account sent an email but you should be able to
move it to another folder. (yea, you can close the window, select the
containing folder, find the email, and then move it .. but the UI is not
correct as is, since you should not be able to change which account sent
an mail)

3. Pressing "Option" when PM is in the background uses lots of cycles as
PM draws and then corrects the <> buttons to trash icons. PM should
ignore ALL keypresses when it's not the foreground application.

4. Select 400 or so emails. Click on "redirect" (or forward) toolbar
icon. Instead of a window asking me who I want to redirect/forward all
these emails to PM opens up every single one. It's very rare that one
would open multiple messages for redirect or forward and then want to
address them to different people; in this case it's 90% likely that the
user wants to redirect or forward those messages to the same individual(s).

Lane Roathe, President                          Ideas From the Deep
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                          <http://www.ifd.com>
If progress means moving forward, what does congress mean?

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