On Wednesday 14 Apr 2010 13:23, Phil Clayton wrote:

> You can actually get docdvi and texdvi to generate PDF
>  files straight up if you add
>    \RequirePackage[pdftex,...]{hyperref}
> in the preamble (where ... represents other options). 
>  See attached example.  This is generally useful anyway
>  as it makes the references in a document hyperlinks.

I do have these things in my documents, but at the time I 
started doing PDFs they did not have that effect.

The main problem I had at the time was in getting 
hyperlinked indexes to work,
ProofPower at the time had its own way of doing indexes 
which did not use makeindex, and this didn't work out with 
the hyperlinks.
In the end I decided that the best way to get the hyperlinks 
to work was to change texpdf to use makeindex instead of 
whatever it was then doing.

So, are you telling me that I can now get pdf files with 
hyperlinked indexes without any changes to the ProofPower 
document preparation scripts?
In which case I could scrap my hacks.

(I'll try it and see what happens)



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