At 02:43 PM 11/16/01 -0500, Bagotronix Tech Support wrote:
>You forgot CAMtastic.  I have used it once, not enough to have mastered it,
>but it was useful for post-processing and verifying the Gerbers that Protel
>produced.  I was glad to have it.

To inspect a board with CAMtastic is *really* fast and easy. Assuming that 
the CAM Manager has auto-exported the CAM files to a directory.

Start CAMtastic. A default CAM file will be created automatically. Use 
File/Import/Gerber Quick Load. Navigate with the directory brower to the 
directory where the exported CAM files are. Leave Autodetect on. OK.

After a brief pause, all the CAM files will load, ready for viewing. check 
or uncheck the layers on the left to enable or disable layers. You may need 
to redraw the screen under the View menu. To navigate around the board, 
move the cursor to what you want to be the new screen center and press + to 
zoom in or - to zoom out. There are lots of tools for identifying objects, 
measuring clearances, etc., but basic viewing can be done just as I have 
described. I now *always* look at the CAM files.

If I need to make a change to the PCB, I make it, hit the CAM Outputs tab 
at the top, rt.-click on its workspace and Generate CAM files, accepting 
the overwrite of the original data when queried. Then I go back to 
CAMtastic, close the current file without saving it, start a new one with 
File/New, and then File/Import/Gerber Quick Load will bring it back; the 
file browser will already be pointing to the same output directory. It is 
.... fast ....

Abdulrahman Lomax
Easthampton, Massachusetts USA

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