On 09:44 AM 25/01/2002 +0000, Dave Apsley said:

>I find the simplist thing to do is to produce PDF copies of the SCH and 
>PCB files. This means that they can only be veiwed and not edited by 
>someone esle, and if you use PDF writer properly you can attach author 
>infomation to the files and therefore mantain the IP of the design.

The general consensus of opinion that seems to have developed (in my 
watching of this recurring subject) is PDF is OK for Sch but is not really 
good enough for PCB; PDFs do not allow you to selectively show layers and 
you can't highlight copper paths etc.

A quality viewer for PCB and Sch (with slightly lower priority for Sch) are 
really desirable features that I would hope Altium would provide 
ASAP.  This must be one of the most asked questions on this forum.  On a 
rough count I make it about 6 times since June last year - and that is as 
far back as I bothered to go.  Each time there was a whole lot of replies 
(so it is a topic of enduring interest).

Ian Wilson

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