Robi et al,
While I agree that the Protel 3D viewer is absolutely useless, we have been
using the 3D utility from Desktop-EDA to export into Solidworks. In
Solidworks we assembly products with multiple PCBs, design the
plastics/metal works, add overlays and create AVI's of the whole assembly,
so that our customers don't have to speak or read any particular language.
We can do clearance checks, show hidden features in otherwise covered
locations, the advantages are endless. To limit oneself by saying, "If you
do you homework - properly..." is like saying, I don't need a computer, I
have a slide rule that works just fine.
Sounds like some projects are not as complex as others.
Lloyd Good

-----Original Message-----
From: robi artwork [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 5:29 AM
To: Protel EDA Forum
Subject: Re: [PEDA] Re[3]: View PCB 3D

Hallo Waldemar - tut mir Leid dass ich dir da widerspreche - aber::
Hi everyone - sorry that  I disagree with that; but::

I don't see a 3D Viewer as a must - If you do you homework - properly
It seems to me more of a laziness of the engineer  to look after the height 
I never had a 3D Viewer - I nevere want one.
If things need to be placed in a low area - you just need to take care of 
it and watch out.

At 13:03 07/02/02 +0100, you wrote:

> > Looks nice. But what use is there ?
> >  From a prototype that has been tested I can make a shot
> > with a digital camera. This image is then used for fabrication
> > and documentation.
> > I realize there might be advantages when working with very
> > bulky parts, assuming collisions are visible. But with TQFP
> > and 1206 cases, 3D is not that spectacular. Showing off with
> > a nicley textured connector, rendered with 10k triangles ?
>< -- snipp -->
>         you are right if you are designing baords used in a simple case.
>But imagine you are designing for a case where only partly is enough room
>place even a TANT_C Capacitor, to say nothing of a connector....
>And now imagine the mechCAD-engeneer beside you is using an 3D-CAD while
>have to set placement rules and drawings in mech-layers to find out wether
>not you can place this part here .....
>Believe me, you will long for a 3D-tool.  :-)

Robi Artwork  -  PCB Design Bureau
PO-Box 199,    Lot 33 Jamaica Drive
Deception Bay  Q4508        Australia
C/o Robi Bittler
Ph: 07-3203 0634
Fx: 07-3203 3958  -  only on request

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