> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:31 AM
> To: Protel EDA Forum
> Subject: Re: [PEDA] 99SE places "hidden" components
> Hi Abd and Ian,
> unfortunately that does not work. I tried to do just what you 
> suggested, but it selects nothing. What I do now is to place 
> the PCB outline not in the center of the workspace, as it 
> defaults to, but near the down-left corner of the workspace. 
> That leaves enough room for all components. I don't use the 
> autoplacer, it messes up things and fits only half of the 
> components onboard.


The basic procedure for me is the same as the others have suggested.

You will see this issue eventually, even if you use the bottom left corner of the 

It happened to me only yesterday with only, 268 parts, 1,100 or so nets, board outline 
150 x 160mm with board origin (bottom left) offset from workspace origin by 
x100,y100mm. Even then as the PCB was a template (re-used block) I was only importing 
new parts.

The basic procedure for me is the same as the others have suggested.

First I select all parts, then I use Tools>Interactive Placement>Position Component 
Text to centre the component text and comment. Not always preferred for parts already 
on board, but sometimes necessary as a rogue hidden comment can sometimes cause the 
select process to fail if the hidden comment is outside (i.e. boundary box for part) 
the user selected area.

Then De-Select All, Then Select>Outside Area and draw a box around the board outline, 
then use Tools>Interactive Placement>Arrange Within Rectangle to place all the parts 
anywhere you wish. Then De-Select All again. You can arrange within rooms or by 
classes etc later. 

I also noticed synchroniser failures and also some netlist load failures to the PCB 
when these parts are not visible, seems that parts/objects outside the workspace area 
are not 'seen' when applying the netlist, but instead of reporting part not found, I 
just see a list of changes 'remove net xxxx'.

Once all the parts are back inside the useable workspace the netlist loads fine, so 
remember to reload the netlist once you get all the parts back inside the workspace 

Good Luck

Best Regards

John A. Ross

RSD Communications ltd
WWW    http://www.rsd.tv



> Mit freundlichem Gruß
> Kind regards
> Gisbert Auge
> N.A.T. GmbH
> www.nateurope.com
>                     Abd ul-Rahman                             
>                     Lomax                An:     "Protel EDA 
> Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
>                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Kopie:               
>                     ign.com>             Thema:  Re: [PEDA] 
> 99SE places "hidden" components                   
>                     28.07.2003                                
>                     23:44                                     
>                     Bitte                                     
>                     antworten an                              
>                     "Protel EDA                               
>                     Forum"                                    
> There are autoplacement features of 99Se that might help with 
> this problem, but I'd have to test it to be sure.
> What I would do if I had components stacked up off the 
> workspace is to Select All, then Deselect Inside a box that I 
> could draw to include all but a few components at the edge. 
> Then I'd pick up one of the remaining visible selected 
> components and pull the rest into the workspace, they should 
> move together.
> All in all, it should take less than a minute to fix.

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