> Re the sockets point also raised; there's a lot of difference between raw
> sockets and http; it would be good to get some kind of "official" http
> transport working - people can always add raw later...?

This is exactly the point I was trying to raise: if you bind Protocol
Buffer RPC to a transport protocol then you can't easily use different
transports as they might lack certain features. I mentioned TCP
sockets just as an example.

Here is my line of thought behind using a more generic (less HTTP-
dependent) approach:

1) Not all protobufs target applications have an HTTP stack available.
I know some applications that could use protobuf RPC but don't have
HTTP available;

2) PB is a very efficient binary format so tying it up to a less than
optimal text-based HTTP seems to be counterproductive;

3) It is a common practice to make RPC protocols self contained, and
having a message carry all the information needed for its delivery
(JSON RPC, SOAP, COBRA, Java RMI, etc.);

4) To achieve #3, no service or method name can be coded externally,
no custom transport protocol features can be used either (HTTP

5) Using protobuf to define header messages feels right as its easy to
parse with the existing tools and it allows for a greater
extensibility and "soft versioning" with optional fields;

6) Self contained RPC messages don't just enable using different
transports. You can do a whole lot more: safely and easily persist
messages, batch them which can greatly improve throughput;

7) It simplifies the RPC protocol specification. Header messages can
be declared as a .proto file, people can compile it for their own
platforms. It seems to be in line with the general protobuf

That's my 2c.


On Dec 10, 10:30 am, Marc Gravell <marc.grav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For info only, protobuf-net currently uses:
>          internal const string HTTP_RPC_VERSION_HEADER = "pb-net-rpc";
>          internal const string HTTP_RPC_MIME_TYPE = "application/x-protobuf"
> ;
> (version for my own internal purposes, in case I need to change the body
> layout)
> Re the sockets point also raised; there's a lot of difference between raw
> sockets and http; it would be good to get some kind of "official" http
> transport working - people can always add raw later...? I'd rather not get
> bogged down in trying to predict every nuance of sockets, when people can
> always (for now) "do their own thing" using protocol buffers just for
> serialization.
> Marc
> 2009/12/10 Romain François <francoisrom...@free.fr>
> > On 12/10/2009 04:30 PM, Pavel Shramov wrote:
> >> On Wed, Dec 09, 2009 at 12:10:33PM +0100, Romain François wrote:
> >>> Hello,
> >>> Following Kenton's advice, I'm starting to look at implementing protobuf
> >>> rpc over http. I have started to work on a basic java server (based on
> >>> the com.sun.net.httpserver class). I will post this at some point when I
> >>> am happier with it (currently it can only serve one dummy service that
> >>> returns the input message as is)
> >>> A request looks like this :
> >>> -----------------------------------------------------
> >>> POST /{service full name}/{method name} HTTP/1.0
> >>> Connection: close
> >>> Content-Length: {length of the serialized message}
> >>> {raw bytes of the serialized message}
> >>> -----------------------------------------------------
> >> I'm using method name encoded in query part of URL like
> >> /base/url?Service.Method
> > That seems odd. Why not /base/url?service=Service&method=Method instead ?
> >  Also it's seem useful to provide Content-Type to distinguish between
> >> different
> >> encodings of message (for example JSON).
> > Yep. Will add this.
> >  And a successful response looks like this:
> >>> -----------------------------------------------------
> >>> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> >>> Content-length: {length of the serialized response}
> >>> {raw bytes of the serialized response}
> >>> -----------------------------------------------------
> >> Also it may be useful to state that errors are transmitted as body of
> >> 500 Internal Server Error response.
> >> For my implementation You may see [1] and [2] for python and C++ HTTP
> >> client.
> > I will. So this makes 3 very similar http based protocols, but slightly
> > different. We should come to an agreement. :-)
> >                         Pavel
> >> [1]http://grid.pp.ru/wiki/pbufrpc
> >> [2]http://grid.pp.ru/cgit/pbufrpc
> > --
> > Romain Francois
> > Professional R Enthusiast
> > +33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
> >http://romainfrancois.blog.free.fr
> > |-http://tr.im/Gq7i: ohloh
> > |-http://tr.im/FtUu: new package : highlight
> > `-http://tr.im/EAD5: LondonR slides
> --
> Regards,
> Marc

Mikhail Opletayev


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