On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Clebert Suconic <csuco...@redhat.com>wrote:

> I have done some work last week on optimizing the Codec.. and I think i've
> gotten some interesting results.
> - The Decoder now is stateless, meaning the same instance can be used over
> and over (no more need for one instance per connection). Bozo Dragojefic
> has actually seen how heavy is to create a Decoder and has recently
> optimized MessageImpl to always take the same instance through
> ThreadLocals. This optimization goes a step further
> - I have changed the ListDecoders somehow  you won't need intermediate
> objects to parse Types. For now I have only made Transfer as that effective
> type but I could do that for all the other Types at some point
> - There were a few hotspots that I found on the test and I have refactored
> accordingly, meaning no semantic changes.
> As a result of these optimizations, DecoderImpl won't have a setBuffer
> method any longer. Instead of that each method will take a
> read(ReadableBuffer..., old signature).
> And talking about ReadableBuffer, I have introduced the interface
> ReadableBuffer. When integrating on the broker, I had a situation where I
> won't have a ByteBuffer, and this interface will allow me to further
> optimize the Parser later as I could take the usage of Netty Buffer (aka
> ByteBuf).
> You will find these optimizations on my branch on github:
> https://github.com/clebertsuconic/qpid-proton/tree/optimizations
> Where I will have two commits:
> I - a micro benchmark where I added a testcase doing a direct read on the
> buffer without any framework. I've actually written a simple parser that
> will work for the byte array I have, but that's very close to reading
> directly from the bytes.
>    I used that to compare raw reading and interpreting the buffer to the
> current framework we had.
>    I was actually concerned about the number of intermediate objects, so I
> used that to map these differences.
> https://github.com/clebertsuconic/qpid-proton/commit/7b2b02649e5bdd35aa2e4cc487ffb91c01e75685
> I - a commit with the actual optimizations:
> https://github.com/clebertsuconic/qpid-proton/commit/305ecc6aaa5192fc0a1ae42b90cb4eb8ddfe046e
> Without these optimizations my MicroBenchmark, parsing 10000000L instances
> of Transfer, without reallocating any buffers could complete on my laptop
> in:
> - 3480 milliseconds , against 750 milliseconds with raw reading
> After these optimizations:
> - 1927 milliseconds, against 750 milliseconds with raw reading

This sounds very promising and an excellent excuse for me to dust off some
of my somewhat rusty git skills. ;-)

> Notice that this will also minimize the footprint of the codec but I'm not
> measuring that here.

Just out of curiosity, when you say minimize the footprint, are you
referring to the in memory overhead, or do you mean the encoded size on the

> I'm looking forward to work with this group, I actually had a meeting with
> Rafi and Ted last week, and I plan to work closer to you guys on this

Excellent! I'm also looking forward to digging in a bit more on the Java
side of things.


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