On 2/18/07, Martin Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I fully understand the argument for premature optimisation. But for me
> it, its late optimisation, really i needed the performance out of the
> box.

Optimizing getStyle and setStyle methods would not be premature, but a very
welcome optimization at this point. But it will not be easy. I tried to do
it in #6696 and Marius took a different approach in #6705 (w/ benchmarks!!),
Tobie spent days on these two methods, and still they hold room for much

Any optimization must preserve code readability and beauty (think
maintainability) and compactness of the framework.

p.s. Marius: about http://gfx.neohub.com/benchmark/t/isin.html ... holy
crap, this is damn sweet!! Your benchmark lib is growing? :)

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