Podes explicar un chisco?

Entendo que Sebastien Archer pide mantedores para algúns paquetes de
Gnome, pero a través de Launchpad; é dicir, o contrario do que se
podería considerar "boas prácticas" ou boa colaboración entre Ubuntu e

2011/12/15 Fran Dieguez <lis...@mabishu.com>:
> Cachondeo pai vamos
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2011-December/003527.html
> Fran Diéguez
> http://www.mabishu.com
> GPG: 43DD 1B00 035F A764 4986  E695 98BB 6626 A2A4 F9B8
> On Xov 15 Dec 2011 10:04:13 CET, Xosé wrote:
>> O mesmo para KDE. É preferíbel traducir sempre na orixe.
>> Xosé
>> 2011/12/14 Fran Dieguez <lis...@mabishu.com <mailto:lis...@mabishu.com>>
>>    Por favor,
>>    non toquedes nada que cheire a GNOME ate que se publique a nova
>>    versión de GNOME 3.4 a principios de Marzal.
>>    Convídovos a botar unha man traducindo diretamente a interface do
>>    Galego ou mesmo participar na revisión que estamos levando a cabo
>>    no grupo de tradutores de GNOME ao galego (de forma paseninha pero
>>    sen pausa).
>>    Saúdos.
>>    Fran Diéguez
>>    http://www.mabishu.com
>>    GPG: 43DD 1B00 035F A764 4986  E695 98BB 6626 A2A4 F9B8
>>    On 14/12/11 08:59, Miguel Bouzada wrote:
>>        Xa podemos traballar en firme ba tradución de Ubuntu «Precise»
>>        ou 12.04
>>        Non esquezamos que esta vai ser unha LTS con asistencia
>>        durante 5 anos no
>>        canto dos 3 que viña sendo a norma, polo que é importante que
>>        se faga un bo
>>        traballo nela.
>>        Ánimo!
>>        ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>        From: David Planella<david.planella@__ubuntu.com
>>        <mailto:david.plane...@ubuntu.com>>
>>        Date: 2011/12/13
>>        Subject: Ubuntu Precise Open for Translation
>>        To: "Translators,
>>        Ubuntu"<ubuntu-translators@__lists.ubuntu.com
>>        <mailto:ubuntu-translat...@lists.ubuntu.com>>
>>        Hi translators,
>>        I am pleased to announce that our current development release,
>>        Ubuntu
>>        Precise, is now open for translation:
>>        https://translations.__launchpad.net/ubuntu
>>        <https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu>
>>        Some additional information that will be useful for translators:
>>        - Translation schedule. Remember that according to the release
>>        schedule
>>        [1] translatable messages might be subject to change until the
>>        User
>>        Interface Freeze [2] on the week of the 23rd of February.
>>        - Language packs. During the development cycle, language packs
>>        containing translations will be released twice per week [3]
>>        except for
>>        the freeze periods. This will allow users and translators to
>>        quickly see
>>        and test the results of translations.
>>        - Test and report bugs. If you notice any issues (e.g.
>>        untranslated
>>        strings or applications), do check with the translation team
>>        for your
>>        language [4] first. If you think it is a genuine bug, please
>>        report it [5].
>>        - Learn more. Learn how to start translating Ubuntu and enable
>>        millions
>>        to use it in their language [6].
>>        Ubuntu 12.04 will be a Long Term Support release, so let’s
>>        rally around
>>        translations to provide the best translated OS around and go
>>        over the
>>        mark of nearly 40 languages [7] in which Ubuntu is fully
>>        translated!
>>        Source:
>>  http://davidplanella.__wordpress.com/2011/12/13/__ubuntu-precise-open-for-__translation/
>>  <http://davidplanella.wordpress.com/2011/12/13/ubuntu-precise-open-for-translation/>
>>        [1]
>>        https://wiki.ubuntu.com/__PrecisePangolin/__ReleaseSchedule
>>        <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule>
>>        [2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/__UserInterfaceFreeze
>>        <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserInterfaceFreeze>
>>        [3]
>>        https://dev.launchpad.net/__Translations/__LanguagePackSchedule
>> <https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule>
>>        [4]
>>        https://translations.__launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-__translators
>>        <https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators>
>>        [5] https://bugs.launchpad.net/__ubuntu-translations/+filebug
>>        <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+filebug>
>>        [6] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/__Translations/
>>        <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/>
>>        [7]
>>  http://people.canonical.com/~__dpm/stats/ubuntu-11.10-__translation-stats.html
>>  <http://people.canonical.com/%7Edpm/stats/ubuntu-11.10-translation-stats.html>
>>        --
>>        David Planella
>>        Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
>>        www.ubuntu.com <http://www.ubuntu.com> /
>>        www.davidplanella.wordpress.__com
>>        <http://www.davidplanella.wordpress.com>
>>        www.identi.ca/dplanella <http://www.identi.ca/dplanella> /
>>        www.twitter.com/dplanella <http://www.twitter.com/dplanella>
>>        --
>>        ubuntu-translators mailing list
>>        ubuntu-translators@lists.__ubuntu.com
>>        <mailto:ubuntu-translat...@lists.ubuntu.com>
>>        https://lists.ubuntu.com/__mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-__translators
>>        <https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators>
>>    _________________________________________________
>>    Proxecto mailing list
>>    Proxecto@trasno.net <mailto:Proxecto@trasno.net>
>>    http://listas.trasno.net/__listinfo/proxecto
>>    <http://listas.trasno.net/listinfo/proxecto>
>> _______________________________________________
>> Proxecto mailing list
>> Proxecto@trasno.net
>> http://listas.trasno.net/listinfo/proxecto
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> Proxecto mailing list
> Proxecto@trasno.net
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