jose antonio s.a. wrote:

El lun, 06-12-2004 a las 12:13 +0100, Iván Pérez Domínguez escribió:
Enviei un correo ó grupo de traducción de GNU informando de que a
"Galician translation" da GPL non era "Galician" (ou polo menos
non é o galego normativo de Galicia).
Por favor, lede o correo de resposta (abaixo) e dicídeme,
¿que credes que é mellor? (Para evitar discusións posteriores)
¿non sería mellor "Galician from Galicia" ou algo así? De feito,
a min non me gustaría nada o de Spanish Galician. Como xa comecei
eu a conversa con Leandro sobre este tema, gustaríame seguir sendo
eu o que lle diga qué facer finalmente, pero agardo as vosas propostas.

Parece ser, segundo leo en (casi) todos lados :



gl_ES está bastante claro, pero queremos que sexa "Spanish Galician" ou que aínda que os identificador
sexa gl_ES lle chamemos doutra forma.

Jose A.

Iván Pérez Domínguez via RT wrote:

Hello. My name is Iván Pérez Domínguez. I'm from Galicia (Spain), and
I want you to know that the Galician Translation of the GPL is not
written in Galician. I know it is unofficial, ¡and it's incorrect
too! It's written in Galician and Portuguese mixed (this is know as
Galego-Portugués), but not in official Galician.
I understand it is an issue of politics, where you have a gl or gl_PT language that is a dialect of the Galaico-Português linguistic system, on par with the Portuguese dialect itself, and has an orthography based on Portuguese; and a gl_ES one which is the same thing but with an orthography based on Castillian, and considered as a separate language.

The GNU Project can't take sides on politics. What we can do is accept a gl_ES translation putting it on par with our current gl_PT. How will we label them is quite another issue, can I suggest 'Portuguese
Galician' for gl_PT and 'Spanish Galician' for gl_ES, the 'Portuguese'
and 'Spanish' adjectives meaning geopolitical separation, not a
linguistic statement?

   Specifically, what do you propose?

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