(sorry if there are misunderstandings. I'm not a speaker of your
language and only can roughly understand it by analogy with my
knowledge of Latin languages)

> - Había unha predisposición dos técnicos do proxecto a usar Rosseta como 
> ferramenta de utilidade para a localización (é dicir, e isto é cousa miña, 
> había pretensión de facer paralelamente as localizacións, desvinculándose 
> posíbelmente dos proxectos oficiais de tradución: KDE, Gnome, Mozilla, 
> OpenOffice ... e, dedúcese polo tanto, unha preferencia por Ubuntu no caso de 
> elaborar unha distribución galega; descoñecíanse os puntos malos de Rosseta). 
> M.Villarino suxeriu no seu lugar Pootle (http://pootle.wordforge.org/), se un 
> día se vai usar interface web para tradutores ocasionais (aínda que 
> preferentemente se debera usar un sistema operativo completo). Urxiuse a 
> elaboración dun dicionario-corrector completo e agárdase a que se implemente 
> maioritariamente o Hunspell.

Please consider using free software. You might find that Pootle is not
as shiny as Rosetta....but, definitely, if one wants to define a
"completely functional translation system", Pootle and the whole
Wordforge effort has way much more promises than Rosetta, indeed. And
its main promise is that it is and will remain free software.

Please consider to avoid basing free software l10n effort on non free tools.

FYI, several people involved in Debian i18n effort *and* some
representatives from the Wordforge project will meet on Sept 6-10 in
Caceres, invited by the Junta de Extremadura and the Linex project, to
discuss about our needs for an i18n framework for Debian..... We are
very likely to draw the picture of a most promising framework...which
will be able to "discuss" in the future with the i18n framework of
localization teams like yours.

Definitely, the collaboration between Wordforge and Debian will bump
the development of Pootle. And this will be bumped with the real needs
of l10n teams in mind (quality assurance, very versatile work methods,
adaptability....) which is usually what most l10n teams have concerns
with Rosetta (which is designed to be shiny...but not really efficient
for team work).

Pootle might soon implement communication protocols to allow Pootle
servers to communicate (with open protocols of course) which will
definitely be a killer feature for l10n efforts.

Mark Shuttleworth gave promises that Ubuntu and Canonical might work
to implement thse "some day" in Rosetta. But these are today only
promises...just like the promise to make Rosetta free software "some
day in the next 5 years" (as explicitely stated at the Debian
Conference in Mexico).

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