On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Nathan Bergey <nat...@psas.pdx.edu> wrote:
> http://www.rocketryplanet.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3542&Itemid=29
> 100,000 ft is not even space, only a mere 30 km. Note the requirement of
> having GPS. Something we should already know how to do.

Note the requirement amounts to "still getting data from the GPS
receiver above 100k feet." ITAR limits export of GPS receivers
"designed for producing navigation results above 60,000 feet altitude
and at 1,000 knots velocity or greater", but as I recall, PSAS found
that 1) American GPS makers don't want to build commercial receivers
that they can't export, and 2) they treat the restriction as an "or".
So maybe the real point of this challenge is to demonstrate an amateur
GPS receiver that works well above 60k feet?

I wish the "arocket" list archives weren't closed. I'd like to see the
original challenge without having to subscribe.

Also note the prize is now almost meme-compliant, at $9000. Somebody
should throw in another dollar.


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