Well if he is Shooting for originality, Congratulate him as it sounds like he’s 
achieved it. And let him be if he is truly happy turning out stuff like that. 
However, “Originality” “Creative Control” “Record deal” “Hall of Fame” are all 
self important buzzwords that get thrown around, but at the end of the day its 
the music business, not the music friends. There for if anyone wants to be 
successful, they will have to think and treat their music like a  business at 
some point and that is regardless of  whether or not you have a “record Deal” 
or are “completely independent”. “Originality” and “Creative Control” are 
great, but business is also about having product that others are interested in; 
after all I bet no one here can name one successful business that has a product 
no one buys. So if no one is interested in your product, … I mean your music, 
no matter how Original, or how cookie cutter  it is, then there is no success, 
If there is no success, there is no Hall of Fame. 

> On Jul 25, 2017, at 6:47 AM, Jes <jessm...@samobile.net> wrote:
> Chris, anybody that tells you they will get a place in the record Hall of 
> Fame in three months has no idea what they are talking about. 99% of artists 
> are not famous, nor are they rich, they literally are starving. These days, 
> music alone does not provide enough money to put food on the table. I have 
> heard people say exactly the same thing, that they will get a place in the 
> record business. They won't. Nine times out of 10, I guarantee you they will 
> fail to achieve their goals. Am I right, guys? They are doing this for the 
> wrong reason. It is not advantageous these days to have a record deal anyway 
> as a lot of the time, you lose creative control of your product. Labels are 
> only interested in you making money for them, and if you can't do that, they 
> will drop you. If anybody wants to correct me on any of these points, feel 
> free to do so..
> On Jul 24, 2017, at 10:39 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland <clgillan...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:clgillan...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> And that's just it. He doesn't! wanna do this for fun. He keeps swearing 
>> he's gonna get a place in the record hall of fame. I'm not using that term 
>> figuratively. He's literally made me that swear that by this time in 3 
>> months, he thinks he'll be there.
>> He's just very very stubborn. I don't wanna be rude about it, but... and 
>> BTW, no, he's not on this list, so, we're safe, and I know that for a fact.
>> ---
>> Christopher Gilland
>> Co-founder of Genuine Safe Haven Ministries
>> http://www.gshministry.org <http://www.gshministry.org/>
>> (980) 500-9575
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: TheOreoMonster <mailto:monkeypushe...@gmail.com>
>> To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com <mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 9:37 PM
>> Subject: Re: How would you all as full fledged professionals handle this?
>> I’d say point out the things you did here, without being negative or saying 
>> you suck. Something like your vocals are off key and that they should 
>> consider collaborating with vocalist. You can also explain that to your more 
>> experienced ears it sounds over compressed and muddy or etc. No need to get 
>> into the technical details you got into in your email as it sounds like he 
>> isn’t to a experience level with productions  where that would mean much to 
>> him yet. The thing is if they are doing this for fun and to keep themselves 
>> busy, then its up to them if they work on getting better or not. If they 
>> wants to get to a point where they wants to do this professionally however, 
>> then they’d need to  consider more experienced opinions at some point. 
>>> On Jul 24, 2017, at 6:36 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>> <clgillan...@gmail.com <mailto:clgillan...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> OK, so I have a friend who sent me a track he had recorded. Granted, he did 
>>> it in Reaper not PT, but that's kind of not exactly the point.
>>> He wanted my opinion on his mix, etc.
>>> First off, the guy is almost 2 whole steps off key. I know, as I know very 
>>> well the song that he recorded. This isn't him using improvization. It's 
>>> more truely him being off the correct note or anything there close.
>>> Secondly, his vocals clipped horribly. With no processing or anything, the 
>>> meters are showing him at positive 9.3DB.
>>> On his reverb, he ran both the wet, and the dry mix at 100%, so he sounds 
>>> like he's in the grand cannyon. Plus, he's got major major headphone 
>>> bleedover, so bad, I almost can make out each note individually from the 
>>> karaoke track he used.
>>> When he hits the higher notes, he's singing from his throat, I can tell, as 
>>> he's straining badly, and literally almost shouting.
>>> On the compressor, he used a 8/1 with the attack as fast as the compressor 
>>> plug would let him, and the attack as slow as it would. Then, he set the 
>>> threshold at negative 14DB, which obviously means he's squashing the living 
>>> shit out of things! Worse is, he not only did this on his vocal, but he 
>>> then reduplicated it on the master fader as well. Aaa, my aching! ears!
>>> Finally, he turned up all frequencies around 60HZ by about 5 DB.
>>> When I told him this needed a lot of work, being he wanted my honest 
>>> opinion, he says he cannot hear the things I'm talking about nor how it 
>>> negatively effected the mix.
>>> This guy's been through a lot of emotional psychological trauma, which 
>>> so've I, so I know how it feels. I don't wanna tell him this sounds like 
>>> utter F***ing shit, but, that said, this is about the 5th song he's sent me 
>>> like this. I just don't think he's cut out for a vocalist let alone a 
>>> producer. OK, who 'em I to judge! I know, I know, I'm not the greatest 
>>> myself, but at least I listen and try taking advice when people give it, 
>>> hince why I've improved as much over the years as I have. This guy simply 
>>> won't take any advice I nor anyone else give him. He didn't pay me to 
>>> listen, he just asked me as a friend to tell him. He's not expecting me to 
>>> do this as him being a client.
>>> So, client or not, what's the best way with love, mind you, to more 
>>> politely say, Jane Doe? You absolutely suck!
>>> Surely some of you all have had vocalists or musicians who you listenned 
>>> to, who you had to turn down the job from as they just weren't seen as fit 
>>> for it. They just didn't have what it would take.
>>> How do you let those guys off easy, without being a nasty Simon Cowell the 
>>> second? My christian morrals won't let me lie, but if I say what I really 
>>> think, it's gonna break his heart! I can't do that to such a dear friend! I 
>>> just can't! What do I do!
>>> Chris.
>>> -- 
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