On 14/08/2006, at 1:42 AM, Jim Gallacher wrote:
Lets target this to be done for 3.3. We just need some agreement that proposed names are okay, plus a consensus on how we go about deprecating old names. Do we have an option now which if enabled prohibits use of old names and outputs some sort of warning if they are, or do we do something else?

Forgive the LaTex. Here is a list that I had started to compile. We'll
need to audit the affected bits of code to make sure they are actually
using the new namespace. I haven't given any thought to the deprecation
process though.

How about in 3.3 we support new and old names and in 4.0 when old
importer is done away with, we also do away with old names. In other
words, 4.0 becomes where we stop supporting anything we are
deprecating.  Can do the same thing with server cleanup functions.
Stub them in 3.3 and remove them in 4.0.


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