On 22/11/13 13:47, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
Am 22.11.13 10:00, schrieb Richard Tew:
That there are people who would consider using the trademark to force
us to change the name we've been using without harm for 14 years,
worries me.  It's one thing to perhaps use it to stop someone scamming
Python users, and another to suggest using it as a weapon against us
for this?  Really?
Unfortunately, Christian's original question was unclear. If his plan
had been to release "Python 2.8" (as his original question suggested),
then he would have faced quite some opposition (and, in a sense,
releasing a "python28.dll" is quite close to that).

The discussion is over, but I cannot let this comment go through without
citing my original question, again:

My question

I have created a very clean Python 2.7.6+ based CPython with the Stackless additions, that compiles with VS 2010, using the adapted project structure of Python 3.3.X, and I want to publish that on the Stackless website as the official "Stackless Python 2.8". If you consider Stackless as official ;-) .

Can it be that these sentences have morphed into something different
when going out to the mailing list? Or maybe there is a filter in the brains?
If one removes the word "Stackless" everywhere, the above text reads
still almost syntactic correctly, but changes it's meaning a lot.

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